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The Year of Geology 2020

This extraordinary year was also the first year of the implementation of the Geological Survey of Finland’s new performance agreement and new strategy.

Despite the uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic, 2020 was a year of many successes for GTK. We launched the implementation of our new strategy for 2020–2023. The geodata we produced was once again internationally assessed to be world class and using artificial intelligence will introduce even more opportunities for refining our datasets. Our new strategy supported the adoption of a more customer-oriented approach, even during the crisis. In our project activities, we completed the 10 years of fieldwork for surveying acid sulphate soils in Finland. The change in our operational environment also encouraged us to reform our project practices. GTK also made several significant investments in research, development and innovation activities, such as the Koillismaa Deep Hole project and the development of GTK Mintec.

Below are some highlights of our year 2020.

See also:


GTK has an excellent strategy and clear guidelines. The world needs sustainably and ethically extracted bedrock minerals and metals. At the same time, recycling is being developed. Geological competence can answer to the challenges of global megatrends. – Juha Ylimaunu, Chairman of GTK’s Board of Directors

GTK`s Influence