TEwT’s 24th YEAR!


The Journal of Teaching English with Technology (TEwT) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that primarily focuses now on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). TEwT is dedicated to presenting cutting-edge research and practical applications of AI technologies that enhance English language teaching and learning.

TEwT is currently indexed in Scopus, Index Copernicus, ERIH+, Central and Eastern European Online Library, EBSCO, ERIC, CEJSH, BazHum, Cabell’s Publishing Directory, MLA Directory of Periodicals, the Australian Research Council journal list, the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education B list.

TEwT believes firmly that there should be no charges associated with the submission and publication of articles. Moreover, all TEwT-reviewed articles published are free to access.

The publishers of TEwT are the University of Nicosia (Cyprus) and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Poland).

ISSN 1642-1027

Honorary Members