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The FCA’s new anti-greenwashing rule has come into force. Businesses need to act—right now—writes Teja Pisk
KB seal bonus; QLRs, we need you!; The business of a misrep; Hybrid shock
Tanya Garrett & Rosie Gray explain why solicitors should be careful who they instruct to undertake violence risk assessments
As engagement with the ESG agenda moves from a nice-to-have to a must-have, Matthew Kay & Mike Harvey consider the role of legal teams
Where does the Supreme Court’s decision in Mercer leave us in terms of the law on union-related detriment? Charles Pigott reports
In a recent case, the court used its case management powers to order a split trial. Daniel Lightman KC elaborates
The UK’s exit from the Energy Charter Treaty is the latest development in the much-troubled project to modernise the treaty, say Álvaro Nistal & Tim Smyth
An unusual case has served up questions about vicarious liability & the gig economy. Ross Fletcher looks at the takeaways
Secretive talks, tense negotiations & an ultimatum narrowly averted tragedy, writes William Gibson
Criminals love them, but now enforcement agencies have the statutory tools to fight back, writes Nick Barnard
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The Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024 is likely to be a major part of Rishi Sunak’s legacy as prime minister should he, as is widely predicted, lose the general election in July, Professor Graham Zellick KC writes in this week’s NLJ

Further incentives, effective from 31 May, have been put in place to attract qualified legal representatives (QLRs), former district judge Stephen Gold reports in this week’s NLJ ‘Civil way’ column

A judge in a recent case took an unusual approach to a s 994 unfair prejudice petition. In this week’s NLJ, Daniel Lightman KC, of Serle Court, reviews the case, in which the court used its case management powers to order a split trial, the first part determining whether the registers of members should be rectified and whether the petition was well founded

NLJ serves up a triple helping of ESG (environmental, social and governance) articles this week, starting with Teja Pisk on the Financial Conduct Authority’s anti-greenwashing rule, in force on 31 May

The Bar Council has called for a ‘whole system review’ of criminal justice through a Royal Commission, in written evidence submitted this week to the Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry into the backlog in the criminal courts